How To Wire Humbuckers

Shark Tube Photo

Shark Tube
2 years 4 Views
EDIT: You can find the diagram from this video on this page:

My rough hand-drawn diagram was never meant for others, more as a way of showing you how I work through these tests and gradually add the information I need. But I've been asked about this custom wiring a few times, so I have cleaned up a couple of screen caps and put them in a PDF... Cheers!

In this video I rewire my Telecaster. It has two humbuckers, and I'm using a 5-way Fender Strat switch. As well as the original three pickup settings, my custom wiring has two single coil tones. I'm also using pickups from different winders, so I have to check which wire is which, and make sure the signals from all four coils are in phase. I also use a compass to ensure the two single coils will hum-cancel when selected together. My pickups are from two different winders and have different color codes.